Nada más hipócrita que la eliminación de la hipocresía – (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)


Todo hombre es sincero a solas, en cuanto aparece una segunda persona empieza la hipocresía – (Ralph Waldo Emerson) –

El hombre sólo es rico en hipocresía. En sus diez mil disfraces para engañar confía;y con la doble llave que guarda su mansión para la ajena hace ganzúa de ladrón. Antonio Machado

Exageráis la hipocresía de los hombres. La mayoría piensa demasiado poco para permitirse el lujo de poder pensar doble. Marguerite Yourcenar (1903-1987) Escritora francesa.


No se puede ser y no ser algo al mismo tiempo y bajo el mismo aspecto. Aristóteles (384 AC-322 AC) Filósofo griego.


La soledad es aquella que se refleja en tus ojos cuando te miras al espejo.

Una posición eminente sin nobleza de carácter, culto sin veneración, prácticas funerarias sin sincero dolor: he aquí situaciones que no soporto. Confucio

Ser aceptado implica muchas veces fingir aceptar algo que realmente detestas.


Nunca confíes en aquellas personas que aparentan ser santos y en verdad no lo son. A veces la apariencia engaña mucho y pierde mucho al hacerlo…HIPOCRITAS!!!!


Con la sonrisa inmóvil en los labios se puede ser un vil. Shakespeare.


Más vale vivir solo que rodeado de hipócritas.


La fraternidad es una de las más bellas invenciones de la hipocresía social. Gustave Flaubert


El único vicio que no puede perdonarse es la hipocresía. El arrepentimiento del hipócrita es de por sí una hipocresía. -William Hazlitt.-




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parentesis cultural que diga cientifico ; )

hacia ya rato que no revisaba la pagina de Universe Today y hoy que la checo me encuentro con un par de noticias que me impresionaron bastante y que he decidido poner aqui.
pues la primera es que se ha descubierto una nueva bacteria que ha estado aislada de la superfice de la tierra por bastantes millones de años, ademas obtiene su energia de rocas radiactivas en lugar de la luz solar, esto es una prueba de como la vida puede sustentarse en condiciones verdaderamente increibles y da mas pruebas para creer en la vida en otros planetas!!! 
los cientificos que hicieron este descubrimiento tuvieron que cavar 2.8 Km para encontrar estos microbios.
tambien se informa que la poca agua que se encontro junto con esta comunidad bacteriana es muy vieja (millones de años) y no ha estado en la superficie de la tierra, los cientificos tambien encontraron que los hidrocarburos presentes en ese ambiente no provenian de organismos vivientes y de ahi el hidrogeno que necesitan para respirar viene de la descomposicion del agua junto a elementos radiactivos como uranio, torio y potasio.
Estas bacterias estimadas con una edad aproximada de 25 millones de años aprovechan la radiacion porque esta permite la produccion de compuesto de sulfuro que las bacterias usan para obtener de ahi su energia, como si fuera un alimento.
Lisa Pratt bioquimica involucrada con esta hallazogo declaro: "sorprendentemente sabemos muy poco sobre el origen, evolucion y limites de la vida en la tierra", "ademas una buena parte de la corteza terrestre permanece inexplorada despues del medio Km debajo de la superficie
rocky crust on Earth is virtually unexplored at depths more than half a kilometer below the surface, estos organismos viven en un mundo completamente diferente al nuestro".
ahi esta un resumen breve pero igual esta aca abajo el texto completo y aqui el link

A Princeton-led research group has discovered an isolated community of bacteria nearly two miles underground that derives all of its energy from the decay of radioactive rocks rather than from sunlight. According to members of the team, the finding suggests life might exist in similarly extreme conditions even on other worlds.

The self-sustaining bacterial community, which thrives in nutrient-rich groundwater found near a South African gold mine, has been isolated from the Earth’s surface for several million years. It represents the first group of microbes known to depend exclusively on geologically produced hydrogen and sulfur compounds for nourishment. The extreme conditions under which the bacteria live bear a resemblance to those of early Earth, potentially offering insights into the nature of organisms that lived long before our planet had an oxygen atmosphere.

The scientists, who hail from nine collaborating institutions, had to burrow 2.8 kilometers beneath our world’s surface to find these unusual microbes, leading the scientists to their speculations that life could exist in similar circumstances elsewhere in the solar system.

“What really gets my juices flowing is the possibility of life below the surface of Mars,” said Tullis Onstott, a Princeton University professor of geosciences and leader of the research team. “These bacteria have been cut off from the surface of the Earth for many millions of years, but have thrived in conditions most organisms would consider to be inhospitable to life. Could these bacterial communities sustain themselves no matter what happened on the surface? If so, it raises the possibility that organisms could survive even on planets whose surfaces have long since become lifeless.”

Onstott’s team published its results in the Oct. 20 issue of the journal Science. The research group includes first author Li-Hung Lin, who performed many of the analyses as a doctoral student at Princeton and then as a postdoctoral researcher at the Carnegie Institution.

“These bacteria are truly unique, in the purest sense of the word,” said Lin, now at National Taiwan University. “We know how isolated the bacteria have been because analyses of the water that they live in showed that it’s very old and hasn’t been diluted by surface water. In addition, we found that the hydrocarbons in the environment did not come from living organisms, as is usual, and that the source of the hydrogen needed for their respiration comes from the decomposition of water by radioactive decay of uranium, thorium and potassium.”

Because the groundwater the team sampled to find the bacteria comes from several different sources, it remains difficult to determine specifically how long the bacteria have been isolated. The team estimates the time frame to be somewhere between three and 25 million years, implying that living things are even more adaptable than once thought.

“We know surprisingly little about the origin, evolution and limits for life on Earth,” said biogeochemist Lisa Pratt, who led Indiana University Bloomington’s contribution to the project. “Scientists are just beginning to study the diverse organisms living in the deepest parts of the ocean, and the rocky crust on Earth is virtually unexplored at depths more than half a kilometer below the surface. The organisms we describe in this paper live in a completely different world than the one we know at the surface.”

That subterranean world, Onstott said, is a lightless pool of hot, pressurized salt water that stinks of sulfur and noxious gases humans would find unbreathable. But the newly discovered bacteria, which are distantly related to the Firmicutes division of microbes that exist near undersea hydrothermal vents, flourish there.

“The radiation allows for the production of lots of sulfur compounds that these bacteria can use as a high-energy source of food,” Onstott said. “For them, it’s like eating potato chips.”

But the arrival of the research team brought one substance into the underground world that, though vital to human survival, proved fatal to the microbes — air from the surface.

“These critters seems to have a real problem with being exposed to oxygen,” Onstott said. “We can’t seem to keep them alive after we sample them. But because this environment is so much like the early Earth, it gives us a handle on what kind of creatures might have existed before we had an oxygen atmosphere.”

Onstott said that many hundreds of millions of years ago, some of the first bacteria on the planet may have thrived in similar conditions, and that the newly discovered microbes could shed light on research into the origins of life on Earth.

“These bacteria are probably close to the base of the tree for the bacterial domain of life,” he said. “They might be genealogically quite ancient. To find out, we will need to compare them to other organisms such as Firmicutes and other such heat-loving creatures from deep sea vents or hot springs.”

The research team is building a small laboratory 3.8 kilometers beneath the surface in the Witwatersrand region of South Africa to conduct further study of the newly discovered ecosystem, said Onstott, who hopes the findings will be of use when future space probes are sent to seek life on other planets.

“A big question for me is, how do these creatures sustain themselves?” Onstott said. “Has this one strain of bacteria evolved to possess all the characteristics it needs to survive on its own, or are they working with other species of bacteria? I’m sure they will have more surprises for us, and they may show us one day how and where to look for microbes elsewhere.”

Other authors of this work include Johanna Lipmann-Pipke of GeoForschungsZentrum, Potsdam, Germany; Erik Boice of Indiana University; Barbara Sherwood Lollar of the University of Toronto; Eoin L. Brodie, Terry C. Hazen, Gary L. Andersen and Todd Z. DeSantis of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, Calif.; Duane P. Moser of the Desert Research Institute, Las Vegas; and Dave Kershaw of the Mponeng Mine, Anglo Gold, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Pratt and Onstott have collaborated for years as part of the Indiana-Princeton-Tennessee Astrobiology Institute (IPTAI), a NASA-funded research center focused on designing instruments and probes for life detection in rocks and deep groundwater on Earth during planning for subsurface exploration of Mars. IPTAI’s recommendations to NASA will draw on findings discussed in the Science report.

This work was also supported by grants from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Science Council of Taiwan, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and the Killam Fellowships Program.

Original Source: Princeton University News Release

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About me

well…. what can I say????
people who knows me says Im very controversial some people loves me others hate me.
Im a student
I consider myself a good friend; Im a pacifist, I love nature and animals, my favorite pet is of course the Cat maybe cause I feel like them most of the times they are independient, free and like to be lonely  but also they enjoy company when they want.
 my native language is Spanish but I like English a lot.
Spain is my Favorite Country. I was there a couple of years ago Fantastic
I like sports but Im not very good at ; ) I like Swiming.
sometimes Im shy sometimes Im crazy It depends on the people around.
my platonic love is Jared Leto.
I really enjoy profound conversations and I like to learn about all. I like go out with my friends sometimes to have a coffe and talk others to go to a disco and go wild : )
I love parties name the place and I"ll be there : )
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las mejores frases de Cruzada (Kingdom of Heaven)

Balian…what man is a man who does not make the world better?


Godfrey Of Ibelin…what made it your place is now dead


Godfrey Of Ibelin…(to Balian) have you come to kill me? Even these days is not easy.


Priest…I’m your priest Balian. I tell you God has abandoned you. I swear to you, you will have no peace so long as you stay here, no man ever needed a new world more.

I you take the crusade you may relieve your wife’s position in hell. She was a suicide. She is in hell


Balian….Is it true that in Jerusalem I can erase my sins and those of my wife?

Is it true?

Godfrey …We can find it out together


Godfrey…whoever dies here today, you will certainly be among them


Godfrey…thank the bishop for his love


Balian …they had the right to take me.

Godfrey…so do I

Pilgrim priest…to kill an infidel is not murder is the path to heaven.

Godfrey…Do you know what lies in the Holy Land? A new world. The man who in France had not a house is, in the Holy Land the master of a city. He who was the master of a city begs in the gutter. There at the end of the world you are not what you were born but what you have within yourself to be.

Balian….what could a king ask of a man like me?

Godfrey… a better world that has ever been seen. A kingdom of conscience, a kingdom of heaven. There is peace between Christian and Muslim. We live together or between Saladin and the king we try. Did you think that lay at the end of the crusade? It does


Crusade …(translating a Muslim pray to Balian)  praise be to God it is proper to praise him.

Balian…sounds like our prayers


Knight Hospitaler … are you sorry for all your sins?

Godfrey…For all but one


Knight Hospitaler …This journey can be perilous. If God has porpouse for you there, He will keep you safe in his hands. If not God bless  you.


Mummad Al fais…Now finish this.

Mummad Al Fais … I am your prisioner, your slave, should you wish it.

Balian…I have been a slave or very near to one. I will never keep one nor suffer any to be kept. Go


Balian… How can you be in hell, when you are in my heart?


Knight Hospitaler …By the word religion,  I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the “Will of God”

Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves and Goodness, what God desires Is here (pointing to Balians head) and here (pointing to Balians heart)

Knight Hospitaler …The king has made a peace with Saladin these past six years.  He holds Jerusalem as a place of prayer for all faiths, as the muslims did before we came.


Knight Hospitaler …They kill arabs

Balian… so they are dying for what the pope command them to do?

Knight Hospitaler …Yes but not Christ I think, nor these king.


Tiberias …There will come a day, Reynald de Chatillon when you are not protected by your title.

Reynald de Chatillon…Oh, when will that be? Alert me Tiberias when men are equal and the kingdom of heaven has arrived.


Tiberias…Saladin he is daily given cause for war by fanatics newly from Europe. By templars bastards like Reynald.

Tiberias…Saladin and the king between them would make a better world.

Hospitaler …If it leaves only for a while, Tiberias, it still has lived.


Sibylla…A woman in my place has two faces one for the world and one which she wears in private.


King Baldwin the leper…The saracens say that this disease is God’s vengeance against the vanity of our kingdom. As wretched as I am there Arabs believe that the chastisement that waits me in hell is far more severe and lasting. If that’s true I call it unfair.

When I was 16, I won a great victory I felt in that moment Iwould live to be 100 now I know I shall not see 30.

You see, none of us choose our end really. A king may move a man, a father may claim a son but remember that even when those who move you be kings or men of power, your soul is in your keeping alone. When you stand before God, you cannot say, “but I was told by others to do thus” or “that virtue was not convenient at the time” this will not suffice. Remember that.

Protect the helpless. And then, perhaps one day when I am helpless, you will come and protect me.


Sibylla…I’m on my way to Cana. Where Jesus changed water to wine. A better trick would be to change you to a nobleman.

Balian…That should be easy. In France a few yards of silk can make a nobleman.


Tiberias…That I would rather live with men than kill them is certainly why you are alive.

Guy of Lusignan…That sort of Christianity has its uses, I suppose.

Someone on Baldwin’s court… An army of Jesus Christ which bears his holy cross cannot be beaten.There must be war. God wills it.


Balian…What becomes of us?

Sibylla…The world will decide, the world always decides.


What becomes of us?

Mummad Al Fais …As you deserve. You reap what you sow. You have heard of this, no?


Muslim Cavalier…Why did you retire? Why?

God did not favour him. God alone determines the results of battles.

Muslim  King Saladin…The results of battles are determined by God. But also by preparation, numbers, the absence of disease and the availability of water. One cannot maintain a siege with the enemy behind. How many battles did God win for the Muslim before I came? That is, before God determined that I should come.

The Muslim cavalier…Few enough. That’s because we were sinful.

Saladin…It is because we were unprepared.

M C…If you think that way, you shall not be king for long.

Saladin…When I’m not king, I quake for Islam.


Balian…A king may move a man, you said. But the soul belongs to the man. You have my love and my answer.

Baldwin…So be it.


Tiberias…Why do you protect him? He’s a man who insults you, hates you?.


Sibylla…I am what I am. I offer you that.  

There will be a day when you will whish you had done a little evil to do a greater good.


The same man who was in Baldwin’s court … we should meet the enemies of God.

Guy of Lusignan…then I will have the glory Tiberias. You had yours years and years ago. Its time for mine.


Balian…You go to a certain death.

Knight Hospitaler …All death is certain.


Tiberias…First, I though we were fighting for God. Then I realized we were fighting for wealth and land.

God be with you.

He is no longer with me.


The patriarch  …We must leave the city.

Balian…How exactly, my Lord Bishop?

The patriarch  …The fastest horses from a lesser gate.

Balian…And the people?

The patriarch  …It is unfortunate about the people, but it is God’s will.


Balian…It has fallen to us to defend Jerusalem and we made our preparation as well as they can be made. None of us took this city from Muslims. No muslim of the Great army now coming against us was born when this city was lost. We fight over an offence we did not give. Against those who were not alive to be offended.

What is Jerusalem?  Your holy places lie over the Jewish temple that the Romans pulled down. The Muslim places of worship lie over yours.

Which is more holy? The wall? The mosque? The sepulcher?

Who has claim? No one has claim. All have claim.

We defend this city not to protect these stones, but the people living within these walls.


Lord Bishop or Patriarch …Who do you think you are? Will you alter the world? Does making a man a knight make him a better fighter?



Lord Bishop …When a body is burnt, it cannot be resurrected until Judgement Day.

Balian…If we don’t burn these bodies we will all be dead of disease in three days.

God will understand, my lord. And if he doesn’t then he is not God, and we need not worry.


The Muslim cavalier…God has sent you this day. You will take no prisioners. As they did, so shall it be done.


Balian….If you throw down your arms, your families will die.


The patriarch  …Convert to Islam repent later.

Balian…You have taught me a lot about religion, your Eminence.


King Saladin…Will you yield the city?

Balian….Before I lose it. I will burn it to the ground.  Your holy places-ours. Every last thing in Jerusalem that drives men mad.

Saladin…I wonder if it would not be better if you did

Saladin… no one will be harmed. I swear to God.

Balian… the Christians butchered every Muslim within the walls when they took this city

Saladin… I am not those man. I am Saladin. Saladin.

Balian… what is Jerusalem worth?

Saladin…nothing, (after a pause) EVERYTHING.


Balian…if this is the kingdom of heaven, let God do with it as he wills.

Balian … (to Sibylla ) your brothers kingdom was here (pointing to his head)

And here (his heart) . That kingdom can never be surrendered.


Mummad Al Fais… Peace be upon you

Balian… Aleicom Salam


Epilogue: Nearly a thousand years later, peace in the kingdom of heaven remains elusive.


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frag Elisabeth Emperatriz de Austria-Hungria

En los ojos de quien ama, el amor se dibuja a si mismo, y en ellos se refleja deseo, gozo, tristeza, la gloria y el infierno juntos, y son como una sima sin fondo, como una alta cumbre en la que anhelamos y tememos perdernos. Los ojos del conde S., azules, casi transparentes, grandes y bellos estaban, sin embargo, vacios. Me puse en pie, y el tambien lo hizo. Me aproxime a las ventanas, alli donde la luz me permitiera adivinar sin errores su alma.
-Acerquese- le dije, y el obedecio y se quedo quieto ante mi, mientras el miedo empezaba ya a aparecer en su mirada. Decidi arriesgarme-. ¿quien le ha enviado?
Su azoramiento me hizo saber que mi suposicion era acertada.
-¿creen que soy una pobre tonta, una ingenua arrastrada por su vanidad, capaz de caer en brazos de un seductor bien aleccionado?
-No se de que me estais hablando, Majestad…
-ya no se atrevia a mirarme de frente, con aquella falsa languidez que tan bien habia sido capaz de simular-. yo solo queria…
– No voy a obligarle a traicionar a sus amigos. Espero que en el fondo de su alma de aristocrata quede un resquicio para la lealtad. No quiero saber quien me ha hecho esto. digales solamente que no voy a caer en tan inmundas trampas. Digales que aun soy la esposa del emperador de Autria y lo sere hasta mi muerte.
digaselo asi, y ahora, vayase…
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un poema mas

¿que quiere esta solitaria lagrima
que enturbia mi vista?
Es una lagrima del pasado,
que se quedo en mis ojos.
!oh, vieja lagrima solitaria,
rueda tu tambien!
Heinrich Heine
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Relexionando alrededor de la Politica

Hola a todos los que lleguen a leerme la verdad esque hace tiempo que no escribo por eso espero que no sean muy duros al calificar el estilo del texto porque lo que realmente importa aqui es el mensaje.
Es triste ver la falta de interes de muchos que va de la mano de la ignorancia de otros ademas del desanimo y el desencanto producto del desempeño de gobernante anteriores.
En estas ultimas fechas la politica en Mexico esta ardiente pues estamos a unos cuantos dias de las elecciones para nombrar al que sera el Nuevo Presidente, definitivamente no sera una eleccion facil sobretodo para aquellos que poco o nada se han informado sobre las propuestas de los candidatos y su pasado como funcionarios en otros cargos publicos.
He tenido diversas conversaciones con amigos, compañeros, etc y de forma alarmante me he enterado que un gran numero de esta gente se abstendra de votar, otros votaran por el que su familia siempre vota mas por costumbre que por afinidad de ideas, algunos mas le daran su voto a candidatos minoritarios que no marcaran diferencia y otro numero esta aun indeciso sobre como actuar.
¿como hemos llegado a este desolador panorama para la democracia? bueno primeramente debemos estudiar nuestra historia llena de promesas incumplidas, robos a la nacion y manipulacion lo cual a convertido a muchos ciudadanos en seres totalmente apoliticos y con "politifobia" ; )
Diaz, Madero, Calles, Cardenas, salinas, fox solo por nombrar algunos son parte de nuestra historia ya sea como heroes o villanos, pero nos gusten o no hay que analizarlos y desmenbrarlos para asi conocer a detalle nuestro hisotria politica y sanear nuestro pais.
A nadie le agrada el SIDA pero aun asi hay que estudiarlo para encontrar la cura a esta enfermedad.
En estos dias al cuestionar a muchos sobre su posicion he encontrado todo tipo de respuestas como que de religion, politica y deportes no se discute, o que odian la politica, que no les importa y que mejor hablemos de tintes para cabello, ropa y musica de moda.
BUeno y entonces que sigue???????
¿Que va a pasar el dia despues del 2 de Julio cuando la gente se quiera quejar de algo cual sera la respuesta?
Bueno estaba en mi propuesta de campaña y tu votaste x mi o sea votaste por todo mi background y/o simplemente no votaste por la propuesta contraria a la mia. No te importo, no votaste ahora no te quejes.
Es por eso que insisto en la importancia de conocer al menos la informacion bsica de los 3 grandes PRD, pri, pan
Es muy extraño el hecho de que actualmente podemos tener la info en nuestras manos con unicamente un clic en Google, Yahoo o con analizar los programas de opinon de medianoche o ya de perdis con haber visto el Debate entre candidatos que fue transmitido en cadena nacional, pero no, estos son recursos que casi todos han ignorado perdiendose en el sopor del opio del pueblo LA IGNORANCIA.
Que verguenza sobretodo para mis compañeros que seran todo lo universitarios que quieran pero les importa mas ver una telenovela o echarse una siestecita en lugar de informarse un poquito.
 Es por estas razones que luego es bien facil tomar estos rebaños desconcertados, distraerlos que no piensen nada importante y despues llevarlos a donde sea.
Por eso es tan facil subir las tarifas de agua y luz, por eso tratan aumentarnos un 15% de iva en alimentos y medicinas. por eso suben los precios del transporte y nadie hace nada salvo renegar un rato conla familia y amigos y luego pagar.
para muestra un boton
¿que es el FOBAPROA?
Nadie me ha dado una respuesta decente, pues les dire. Fue el mayor saqueo a los Mexicanos cometido hace unos cuantos años, no fue mas que convertir deuda privada en deuda publica (la de los bancos o deberia decir banqueros) y asi encandungarnosla a todos, esta desgracia no se pagara sino en mas o menos 25 años y solo da  como resultado pobreza, falta de infraestructura y menos apoyo a la sociedad.
Este FOBAPROA fue aceptado y firmado por el PRI y el PAN (PRIAN) 2 partidos ultraderechistas afines.
¿Quien era director del PAN entonces? Felipe Calderon
Petroleo: Mexico se ha logrado mantener en una posicion mas o menos decorosa debido a los grandes yacimientos de Petroleo que tiene, pues bueno a pesar de esto un porcentaje importante de la gasolina que todos compramos proviene de USA porque la ultima refineria Mexicana se construyo hace 30 años; para colmo de fango se rumorea que el PAN desea privatizar PEMEX o sea adios al 18 de Marzo dia de la Expropiacion Petrolera. Entonces solo unos cuantos gozarian del petroleo que nos corresponde a todos.
Globalizacion: No debemos ser globalifobicos de hecho no hay que temer o evitar la globalizacion pero eso no quiere decir que solo compremos y nunca vendamos. Ademas si nuestro pais siempe se ha distinguido por la calidad de sus frutas, verduras y carne ¿porque adquirir productos de no tan buena calidad proveniente de nuestro vecino del norte?
Si podemos tener maiz "del campo a su mesa" ¿porque arriesgar nuestra salud con Maiz transgenico ? y ¿porque no apoyar a los campesinos en lugar de dejar que el campo perezca y con el muera dinero que sale del pais en lugar de quedarse y circular dentro del territorio nacional?
Mas datos escalodriantes… y eso que no es Halloween : ) tristemente durante este sexenio han salido del pais 4 millones de inmigrantes debido a la falta de empleo.
un dato que me indigna profundamente esque el sueldo que recibe el presidente de Mexico es mayor al que recibe el presidente de USA. de igual forma pasa con la pension vitalicia de los expresidentes mexicanos.
toda esta informacion NO ES TOP SECRET es como ya dije antes facil de encontrar en cualquier periodico, en tv, internet, pero eso a nadie le importa y la mayoria prefiere seguir revolcandose en su inmunda ignorancia en lugar de apoyar un VERDADERO CAMBIO que nos beneficie a tods en lugar de seguir x el mismo camino que solo es provechoso para las elites de Mexico.
Que mas debemos saer?????? la respuesta es todo para asi no dejarnos manipular por la guerra sucia que los medios de comunicacion estan librando en contra de cierto candidato pues sus propuestas que buscan sacarnos a todos de dominio feudal de unos cuantos van contra sus intereses economicos.
Para una persona en realidad informada estos televisimos son una verguenza  un descarado acto de manipulacion de votantes y como  yo lo llamo "terrorismo Psicologico" para poner a AMLO en un papel casi casi de anticristo.
pero la verdad solo basta con analizar estos comerciales para estupidos donde a manera de cocowash solo se dedican a decir que el es un peligro y traera crisis… pero no fundamentan en nada sus acusaciones, no mustranuna sola prueba porque estas no existen claro, pero bueno eso al rebaño no le importa y esos spots se convierten en la melodia que el flautista de Hamelin uso para ahogar a las ratas que lo siguieron hasta elrio o en el canto de las sirenas de Odiseo.
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uno mas

¡ no me admiro tu olvido! aunque de un dia
me admiro tu cariño mucho mas
porque lo que hay en mi que vale algo ,
eso… ¡ni lo pudiste sospechar!
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otro poema de Becquer

Tu ereas el huracan, y yo la alta
tore que desafia su poder,
¡ tenias que estrellarte o abatirme !…
¡ no puso ser!
Tu eras el oceano y yo la enhiesta
roca que firme aguarda su vaiven:
¡ tenias que romperte o que arrancarme!…
¡ no pudo ser !
Hermosa tu, yo altivo; acostumbrados
una a arrollar, el otro a no ceder;
la senda estrecha, inevitable el choque …
¡ no pudo ser!
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